Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Google back, so photo's from Switzerland

Here you go, mountain views, skichums in the snow and a house. That's what a snowboarding holiday is for me, since I've got no money or desire to mingle with the Verbier crowd. And this year the chalet wine came out of bottles and was very palletable.

It did kind of bring it home that the pound is not at its strongest! 1.5CHF to the £ - I remember not that long ago at least 2.5CHF to the £. The Eurozone is going to be a financial joy. But it's just one of those things I guess, and we are still going to foreign parts, just maybe a bit more frugally than previous?!?

This could be the last post until we sail away which is a bit sobering, but I may bore you with thoughts and piccies of the packing experience - I expect it to be interesting. There are rumours about IKEA for some boxes to organise clothes...

And there's a video of me showing off!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Not gone quite yet!

Soon though...  Not much to report, but now only 2 weeks before we leave the UK.  Fran finishes work on Thursday this week and is mentally getting her head into the travel idea.  I've just spent the last week in Verbier carefully navigating the mountains (again) so I thought a few photos would be appropriate.  A good time was had by all, except Dave who did his ankle a mischief.

It would appear that there is a problem with photo uploads, so you'll have to wait until google sorts itself out to see some of them.  I hope it's not a problem at my end!