Sunday, April 18, 2010

Well done JB and LH

This morning had one eye on the Chinese Grand Prix, well done lads on the one two.  Other eye keenly interested in the volcano situation, wondering whether Bob and Phoebe have got home from Morocco?  A number of the ex-pats down here are unable to return to UK for the new term.  Kind of glad we've missed some of that chaos.

Anyway, important stuff - meet Scruffy and Tallow at chez Akhurst.  Took them for a walk which is clearly why they are now exhausted!  Beautiful day sans cloud and we've had a lovely time being driven around by the locals.  Partly sticking stakes in the ground advertising a commune ramble for May Day.  And some sightseeing.

So we've seen Chateau, cloisters of a renovated church building  and the cemetary commemorating the French Resistence in WWII.  And the afternoon at Angouleme taking in a chilled bierre in the town square.
Back to base camp and I took a little 5k jog, in 24°C sunshine, very invigorating if a bit much apres lager. 
I'm thinking we might take the Massif Centrale to Spain rather than the coastal route, but need to run this past da guvnor.  More Cognac and Vin before bed ;-)


  1. Sadly, Bob and Phoebe are stuck in Morocco for now.... still have all three dogs, going a little loopy and destroying more and more of the lawn.

    Love reading your blogs and the photos too.

    K XxX

  2. Hello to Tallow and Scruffy, they look like it was a good walk!

    No Netherlands today for me, best excuse for missing a meeting I've ever come up with

  3. Rather a lot of cognac and Vin featured in this blog!

    How's the coast looking - has it recovered from the floods earlier in the year? We're thinking of doing a holiday there this year so wanted to check how things were.

    Glad you are having fun.


  4. Hiya,

    please send my love to the Akhursts if it is not to late.........

    Enjoying reading everything and the photos

  5. Hi
    Only just realised I can send comments to your blog! Modern technology - very clever!! Then I found when I pressed the post comment button I had to open a Google account but I've now mastered that as well!
    Kerry's comments re Bob and Phoebe are correct - mum phoned Bob's vet practice today (as we haven't heard anything from him and only have an old number for Phoebe's mum and dad) and they indicated there was no way they could get back - any possible routes have suddenly become ridiculously expensive. They should be booked on a flight on Sunday, so I guess that's when we will see them as the flights have now started again.
    Well done to find the playground - sounds worth a visit if we ever go to France again. Who are the Akhursts?
    Will try to do better at keeping in touch.

  6. Its almost as much fun reading the comments as the blog! and it updates me on everyones news.Long may it continue. Have fun.
